Enrollment and employment

Admission of Undergraduate and Pre-University Programs

The undergraduate enrollment organization of our university is composed of the enrollment leading group, the undergraduate Enrollment Committee, and the Admission Office。The enrollment Leading Group is the highest decision-making body, leading the undergraduate enrollment work of the university;The undergraduate Admission Committee is an advisory body, which is responsible for providing decision-making consultation to the leading group of enrollment work and guiding the relevant functional departments of the university to carry out undergraduate enrollment work;The admissions office is the executive agency。

The Admissions Office of Minzu University of China, as a permanent working organization of the university, is responsible for the daily work of undergraduate (including preparatory) enrollment of the university。Its responsibilities are:

1. Strictly implement the policies of the Ministry of Education on enrollment and the supplementary regulations and implementation rules of the recruitment committees of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities);

2. In accordance with the annual enrollment plan issued by the Ministry of Education and relevant regulations, to formulate enrollment source plans by region and by specialty, and to formulate school enrollment regulations;

3. To carry out recruitment publicity and consulting services, to introduce the university and its recruitment policy to candidates and parents;

4. To complete the admission work objectively and impartially, and be responsible for coordinating and dealing with various problems encountered in the admission work;

5. Perform the corresponding duties of disclosing college enrollment information;

6. Cooperate with the relevant departments of the university to review the admitted freshmen;

7. Complete other tasks assigned by education authorities and schools。

(Source: Recruitment and Employment Office)